
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on huhtikuu, 2015.

Gonna need therapy for this

Now playing: Halou - Honeythief Hello sweeties-! !SPOILER ALERT! !SUCKY ENGLISH ALERT! Sometimes I doubt the path I chose Sometimes all my dreams feel all on hold There's no doubt that this will make me strong Because it's the hardest thing I've ever done. I had a change in my blogging plans because I have to leave my feelings here before the 3ce post. So, how many of you have already watched A choice with no regrets ova 2? You haven't? I don't care which but I'll pray for you. I tried to be strong and wait for the subtitled one but noooo I caved in and watched the raw first. Let's just say that I cried myself to sleep after watching it. I felt horrible the next day and I kept hearing Levi's screams in my head. Never had anything fucked me up this bad. Well, lately.  I was so fucking sure it wouldn't affect me like that because I've read the acwnr but nooo it fucked me up really bad. It kinda sucks th...

Attack on finals!

Now playing: Creepy circus music - Haunted maze Hello sweeties~! Tämän postauksen piti ilmestyä jo muutama viikko sitten, mutta kiirettä on pukannut! Mutta siis, kuten moni jo tietää, varsinkin abiturientit, kirjoitkuset on viimein ohi! Loppua kohden paineet meinasivat nousta sietämättömiksi, varsinkin kun viimeisenä oli matikka kaadettavana. Onneksi myös se mentiin kunnialla läpi. Tai no ainakin läpi, en kunniasta niin varma ole. Psykologian lukeminen jäi tosin turhan viime tippaan. Itken vieläkin henkisesti sen takia.  This post was supposed to come out couple weeks ago but I've been rather busy! Oh well, as many of you already know, especially abiturient's, finals are finally over! Towards the end of finals the pressures were getting quite suffocating, especiallu because my last final was math. Luckily I passed it with honor. Or well I passed it, I'm not sure about the honor though. Getting ready for my psychology finals was shitty try. I'm still...